Category Archives: Communal Living

Jasper Hall…blueprint for communal, organic, sustainable living

Hat tip to my dear friend, Laleh Tohidi, for sharing this!

Jasper Hall in South Wales is an AMAZING organic, permaculture community farm that could very well serve as a blueprint for self-sustaining, communal living that preserves the earth for years down the road, rather than pollutes it.

Whether or not it is clear to you, our world is rapidly changing…for the better, I think. Walls are tumbling down…corruption, worldwide banking…and with it will come a clean slate (I hope) to build our new world. What will that world be? Another capitalistic society bent of serving the needs of 1% and destroy the rest of us — people, animals, land, sea and air to serve those people? I think not.

It’s time for us to consider a better, healthier way. Enjoy!

Permaculture communities like Jasper Hall are just what our Mother Earth needs.

 Jasper Hall is a living ground for a social experiment.

“permanent agriculture,”
as opposed to unsustainable
single-crop monoculture

the creation of
productive ecosystems
that mimic
natural ecosystems

“I came to learn about permaculture because I learned the world is in a pretty bad spot right now, and the only way to do anything about it was to learn how to grow food.”

“I think we can look at Jasper Hall for what is possible.”

“As a young child, I always wanted to work on the land. I never wanted a job working for someone else. I wanted to grow my own food and live self-sustaining, and build my own hut where I can live. Jasper Hall makes sense. I want to look at my grandchildren in the eyes one day when they ask ‘Well, what were you doing when the shit was hitting the fan?'”

“We capture water and run it all through the landscape. This is how we’re healing the earth, to aerate the soil and give it life again.”

“We try to become energy efficient, by producing more energy than we consume with solar and wind power. Waterfall provides water. Waterways are the arteries of the world. The water quality is so good, they have endangered fish swimming in the river. All vegetation is replaced with native vegetation to rehabilitate the land.”

“Jasper Hall is what is possible where land is not owned, but freely used for a more sustainable world, a more sustainable way. Not just in the sense of growing things, but also in the sense of community.”

Here is the complete video. It’s beautifully done and shows the stages of growth in building this community. Enjoy!

Jasper Hall – permaculture community