Turmeric Extract Puts Drugs For Knee Osteoarthritis to Shame

Prior to 2005, I was suffering from crippling, painful osteoarthritis. I could predict rain was coming 3 days in advance. Winters were horrendous and I could barely get out of bed or walk. I would sleep with heating pads and wrap my legs up with three or four layers of leggings to stay warm. Refusing to have surgery and take the recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), I researched for natural, healthy pain relief. I found Turmeric and I am pain free today! ~Marion

Laboratory tests have found that turmeric is antioxidant and antimutagenic, as it potentially helps prevent new cancers that are caused by chemotherapy or radiation used to treat existing cancers. Turmeric in the diet may prevent pain from arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis. A volatile oil in the spice is as
effective in relieving pain, under laboratory conditions, as equal amounts of steroids. http://www.nutritionalwellness.com/archives/2006/nov/11_heller.php

CAUTION: The only side effects found with Turmeric is it can cause constipation, sweating and even diarrhea if too much is taken. Limit dosage to 1/2 teaspoon per day.

1/2 teaspoon in 4 oz of water. Drink.

I prefer to add 1/2 tsp. of Turmeric to hot cereal. Just add to the water before boiling and cooking. It also tastes great in soups, vegetable, egg and meat dishes. Feel free to experiment.
Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:

1. It is a natural ANTISEPTIC and ANTIBACTERIAL agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.

2. When combined with cauliflower, it has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.

3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.

4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.

5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.

6. Is a natural LIVER DETOXIFIER.

7. May prevent and slow the progression of ALZHEIMERS disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.

8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of CANCER.

9. It is a potent natural ANTI-INFLAMMATORY that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.

10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS in mice.

11. Is a natural PAINKILLER and cox-2 inhibitor.

12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in WEIGHT MANAGEMENT.

13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for DEPRESSION.

14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for ARTHRITIS and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug Paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.

16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on PANCREATIC CANCER.

17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on MULTIPLE MYELOMA.

18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in TUMORS.

19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.

20. May help in the treatment of PSORIASIS and other INFLAMMATORY SKIN CONDITIONS.

Where to buy Turmeric?

Buy Turmeric from a health food store or Indian store (India). Because I use it daily, I buy it in bulk from here: http://amzn.to/HStxFR

Maybe you have a relative or friend who suffers from inflammation due to arthritis or other joint conditions. Do them a favor and get them started on Turmeric. They will be so grateful.
Natural Cancer-Fighting Spice Reduces Tumors by 81%

Disclaimer: As with any alternative treatments, work with your doctor. Know that alternative remedies may not work if the person’s condition is too far gone.

10 Reasons to Buy Your Fruits & Veggies at Your Local Farmer’s Market

By Dr. Edward Group for Wake Up World

Which of these two scenarios sounds more vibrant for overall quality of life and health?

The wind on your face, the sun on your skin, you talk with a local farmer about the size and taste of this year’s harvest of peaches, as you pop a slice in your mouth. After tasting several different varieties, you choose your favorite one, walking away with a great memory of the farmer in your mind.


You stand shivering in the freezer section at your local mega-mart, your eyes begin to glaze over from the halogen lights and the neon-colored cardboard boxes containing substances claimed to be food products? You decide on the one with the least amount of additives and make your way to the self-check-out line, excited to get in your car and out of the supermarket.

Clearly, most of us would agree that the first scenario, at the local farmer’s market, is much more appealing than a trip to a big chain grocery store. But what, besides the aesthetic factor, are some of the other benefits of supporting your local farmers market? Here are ten reasons why I believe you should shop at your local farmers market.

1. Buying Locally
Buying from your local farmer allows you to support local agriculture. This means that the food you are eating comes from nearby, and does not require us to waste lots of energy and petroleum to ship the food half-way around the world. You are eating food in your own environment, where it has perfectly-created nutrients for your specific climate and region. You are also supporting the environment by reducing the usage of fossil fuels.

2. Cheaper Organic Fruits & Veggies
You can find a variety of fresh, organic produce at more affordable prices than in a supermarket. There are also many farmers that carry products that are not technically “organic,” (as this is a costly and often beurocratic-heavy process), but have many low-priced foods that are pesticide and herbicide free. The advantage at a farmers market is that you can actually talk to the farmer, learn about their methods, and then decide for yourself and in most cases they will allow you to come and visit their farm.

3. Supporting Your Local Economy & Farmers
You are supporting human beings and the local economy, not massive agribusiness GMO food conglomerates.

Not only will your money be staying in your area, but you will happily please the farmer that worked to grow that food. Your belly will remember the farmer’s smile as they handed you that juicy peach.

4. Eat Seasonally
By shopping at the local farmers market, you will eat seasonally, fresh and ripe. This is another great way to increase your overall health. Supermarkets offer too much variety and the food is picked before it has ripened decreasing the vitality. The body does not need to be eating imported pineapple in the dead of a Montana winter!

5. Safer Foods
Food from your local farmers market is generally safer. Remember the recent outbreaks of E. coli in bagged spinach? These things happen mostly in large industrial settings, where business-men work to mass produce food, preserve it and bag it in mass amounts.

6. Fresher Fruits & Veggies
The food from your local farmers market is, quite frankly, fresher. Because it was grown locally, there is a good chance that the apple you buy from the farmer was picked a few days ago. This is virtually impossible in a big supermarket.

7. Great Variety
There is usually an amazing variety of fruits and veggies at your local farmers market. Each farmer may have his own method for growing tomatoes or peppers. This is something that never happens at a grocery store.

8. Better Taste
There is no doubt that locally-grown foods just simply taste better. You will never be able to eat a carrot from the grocery store again!

9. It’s Healthy!
There’s just no way around it, eating fresh, locally-grown fruits and veggies are great for your health.

Buy yourself some local honey, which is sold at most local farmer markets. It has just the right components for allergy prevention in your neck of the woods, not to mention it’s tasty!

10. Most Importantly — It’s Fun!
We stated it in the beginning, but farmers markets are just plain fun for the whole family. Meeting your local community is an excellent way to feel connected to the world around you, increasing health for body, mind and spirit.

Or Just Start Your Own Organic Garden
An even better solution would be to grow your own food by creating an organic garden in your yard or even on your balcony. Of course, this will take extra time and money, which a lot of us seem to lack these days.

Find a Farmers’ Market near you

The USDA directory is available at http://farmersmarkets.usda.gov/


Never turn your nose up at anyone

From DailyKos…

Michelle Obama’s College Roommate Wanted All-White Dorm

There has been much ado about Michelle Obama’s college thesis in which she described feeling like an outsider at Princeton — a black person first, a student second. I understand how she could have felt that way, especially twenty five years ago. After reading a poignant article about Michelle Obama’s first college roommate, I have new insight into the environment that made her feel like a second class student during her college years.

When Michelle Obama’s roommate, born and raised in the South, arrived at Princeton, she was shocked to find herself assigned to share a dorm with a black student. So shocked, in fact, that she called her mother to help her implore the school to move her into another dorm.

The girl’s mother was also shocked and angry. She called the grandmother who suggested the situation was serious enough to warrant pulling the girl out of Princeton altogether.

This was a girl raised by a struggling single mother and against all odds was able to attend Princeton, and her own family felt that she should forgo an ivy league education rather than be subjected to rooming with a black student. I cannot fathom this level of prejudice, but this the account told by the roommate and her family.

When told about the dorm assignment, her mother “stormed down to the campus housing office and demanding Donnelly be moved”:

I was horrified…

I told them we weren’t used to living with black people — Catherine is from the South. They probably thought I was crazy.

(more on this story at the link)


The ignorance, racism and hate in this nation never ceases to shock me, even though I too have dealt with it all my life. It makes me wonder what planet these people are from. Surely they are not of the human race. ~Marion

Take a good look, America. This is the face of a terrorist. Not in Iraq. Not in Iran. But right here in your own backyard!! You probably know him. Look hard. You’ve seen him many times.

“18 firearms, body armor and 40,000 rounds of ammunition”

ASSWIPE!!! I hope they throw the book at him. Fool had body armor. I don’t expect that he planned to go for a swim with it on. Thanks, Jueseppi.