Category Archives: Republicans-GOP-Tea Party

An Open Letter to People Who Hate Obama More Than They Love America

This excellent article is from 2012 and is even more on target today…

An Open Letter to People Who Hate Obama More Than They Love America
by MinistryOfTruth

I meet you all the time. You hate Obama. You hate gay people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labor unions, women who want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, you hate em all. You hate being called racist. You hate being called a bigot. Maybe if you talked about creating jobs more than you talk about why you hate gay people we wouldn’t call you bigots. Maybe if you talked about black people without automatically assuming they are on food stamps while demanding their birth certificates we wouldn’t call you racist. You hate socialism and social justice. You hate regulations and taxes and spending and the Government. You hate.

You like war. You like torture. You like Jesus. I don’t know how in the hell any of that is compatible, but no one ever accused you haters of being over-committed to ideological consistency. You like people who look like you or at least hate most of the things that you hate. You hate everything else.

Now, I know you profess to love our country and the founding fathers (unless you are reminded that they believed in the separation of church and state), but I need to remind you that America is NOT what Fox News says it is. America is a melting pot, it always has been. We are a multi-cultural amalgamation of all kinds of people, and yet you still demonize everyone who is not a rich, white, heterosexual christian male or his submissive and obedient wife.

You hate liberals, moderates, hell, anyone who disagrees with Conservative dogma as espoused by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. You hate em.

Well, here are the facts, Jack. If you hate the Government then you are unqualified to manage it. If you hate gay people more than you love America than you should take your own advice and get the hell out. There are several countries that are openly hostile to gay people, but they are full of brown people and you don’t like them much either from what I understand. It looks like you are screwed, but that’s not what I am here to tell you.

Now that you have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at President Obama and it still hasn’t worked you are panicking. Obama’s approval ratings are still near 50% despite your best efforts to undermine the economy and America’s recovery at every step you can. You tried to hold the American economy hostage to force America into default on its’ debts, debts that YOU rang up under Bush, so you could blame it on Obama and it failed. You’ve used the filibuster more than any other Congress ever, going so far as to vote against providing health care access to 9/11 first responders. You remember 9/11, don’t you, it’s that thing you used to lie us into a war in Iraq, and then when Obama killed Bin Laden and ended the war in Iraq you told people that he hates America and wants the troops to fail. You monsters. You hate Obama with a passion, despite the fact that he is a tax cutting, deficit reducing war President who undermines civil rights and delivers corporate friendly watered down reforms that benefit special interests just like a Republican. You call him a Kenyan. You call him a socialist. You dance with your hatred singing it proudly in the rain like it was a 1950’s musical.

Frankly, you disgust me. Your hatred nauseates me. Your bigotry offends me. Your racism revolts me.

Dear haters, I am openly questioning your patriotism.

I think you hate gays, Obama, black people, poor people, all of us, women, atheists and agnostics, Latinos, Muslims, Liberals, all of us, I think you hate every one who isn’t exactly like you, and I think you hate us more than you love your country.

I think you hate gay soldiers more than you want America to win its wars.

I don’t even think you want America to win wars, you just want America to have wars, never ending wars and the war profiteering it generates. You love that kind of spending, you love spending on faith based initiatives and abstinence based sex education (George Carlin would have loved that one), you love spending on subsidies for profitable oil corporations, you spend like drunken sailors when you are in the White House, but if it is a Democrat then suddenly you cheer when America doesn’t get the Olympics because it might make the black President look bad. But oooh you love your country, you say, and you want it back. Well listen here skippy, it isn’tyour country, you don’t own it, it is our country, and America is NOT the religiously extremist Foxbots who hate science, elitist professors and having a vibrant and meaningful sex life with someone we love if Rick Santorum doesn’t approve of it. Rick Santorum isn’t running for America’s fucking high school dance chaperone, he should probably just shut the hell up about sex, but he can’t because he has nothing else to run on.

Republicans can NOT win on the issues. They’ve got NOTHING. All they have is a divide and conquer class war that pits ignorant racist and bigoted people against the rest of us in a meaningless battle of wedge issues and the already proven to fail George W. Bush agenda again of tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, privatization and war profiteering and nothing else, so all they can do is blame black people, gays the government, anybody and everyone else for their own failings. The party of personal responsibility, my ass.

But they love multi-national corporations, just ask a gay hating and racist religious extremist if they think Corporations are people and they will gladly agree, but if you ask them if gay people are people they aren’t so sure.

Dear haters, you are the cruel, heartless misinformed assholes who would sell America out to Haliburton in a heartbeat, you would rather pay ZERO taxes than you would see a newly born baby get access to quality health care, you cheer when we discuss denying health care to young people with preventable diseases, and you boo when we discuss the First Ladies plan to cut back on childhood obesity. You are a cross to carry and a flag to wrap yourself in away from being the people who Sinclair Lewis warned us about, but I guarantee that if Fox News told you to dress that way you would, because you are the same blind, ignorant and closed minded dunces who drove this country into a civil war years ago because you are bound to the notion that some men are more equal than others. In short, the reason I proudly wear my union army hat is because of seditious sell outs like you who constantly fuck over working class Americans so a foreign entrepreneur like Rupert Murdoch can get a bigger tax break. If corporations are people, they are neither American patriots nor capable of love. Just like you.

So stop wearing your hate with pride. Stop celebrating your anti-science, anti-math ignorance. Stop using code words to mask your bigotry like “family values”, especially when you hate my family and when you stand on the same stage as a guy who has had three marriages or if you share a seat in the Senate with a guy who cheated on his wife with hookers while wearing diapers. You should be ashamed. I know that you are just doing this to motivate your misinformed hate cult base because if they actually knew that your ideas will make them poorer than they are now, they would never vote for you. You are doing your best to impoverish your countrymen so rich people can get bigger tax breaks and you can keep on delivering corporate welfare to the special interests who have bribed you, and I am disgusted by the way you gleefully parade your hatred with aplomb. I don’t think you do love America. At least, not as much as you hate everyone in America who isn’t exactly like you.

You should think about that, and maybe get some help.

And for the record, I do not hate you. I am embarrassed by you and nauseated by your cruel and thoughtless behavior and your all consuming greed, but I do not hate you. I forgive you and I hope you can change someday, but I don’t hate you. You have enough hate in you for the rest of us as it is.


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The GOP Stands With Putin

Tracy Knauss nails it…

G.O.P = GUSHING OVER PUTIN. The GOP leaders would rather support a communist leader, and former head of the KGB, than support their own president, even in an international crisis!! It’s amazing what having a Black Man in the White House can do. It can cause the closet racists and bigots to come out into the open and form a national party of supposed patriots. And it can make the GOP leaders praise a Russian despot over their own POTUS. Face it, the GOP HATES women, they HATE Blacks, they HATE Latinos, they HATE Gays, and yet they LOVE Putin. What a crock of cascading crap that is. But that’s today’s GOP. They would rather embrace a communist despot than salute their own commander in chief. Traitors much? That’s the new GOP leadership. And that’s just one more reason to NEVER vote for a Republican. Remember this, come November.

You cannot make this up. All those years of hating on Putin and Russia and now a complete turnaround. The disrespect shown toward this President is beyond the pale. During a crisis like this, all Americans are expected to support our leader, ESPECIALLY Congress.

I am so ashamed of these anti-Americans and haters.  This is our year to turn this mess around.

As a commenter at the link wrote:

A good leader sees war as a last resort! Can you imagine if McCain had become president in ’08!?! We would still have the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war and we would be at war with Iran, North Korea, Syria, and a push for Russian war!

The GOP is as insane as their racist voters. 2014. You know what to do.



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President Obama Ushering In World Peace, Corporate Media Shrugs


President Obama Ushering In World Peace, Corporate Media Shrugs
by Bob Cesca

This is a big deal:

Geneva — Iran and six world powers reached a breakthrough agreement early on Sunday to curb Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for limited sanctions relief, in a first step towards resolving a dangerous decade-old standoff.

The deal between the Islamic state and the United States, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia was nailed down after more than four days of negotiations.

The White House Fact Sheet reads like the foreign policy triumph for the ages that it is.

When reached for comment, Republicans, bona fide warmongers and their useful idiots in the eye-rolling mainstream press determined that this is already just another failure of leadership and desperation by a lame-duck president still trying to distance himself from his only real achievement: Landmark healthcare insurance reform– which has since been forever and ever deemed a colossal failure because the American media, still obsessed with pretending that Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush weren’t paranoid, smiling psychopathic mass-murderers and race-baiters-at-heart say so.

Republican leaders all but declared “The American people deserve the highest standards in fake, saber-rattling leadership and clandestine bloodshed and this sort of tangible progress and success is not what the American people and mainstream press are accustomed to!”

After decades of aiding and abetting Republican policies that made trading arms for hostages to fund Right wing death squads in Central America an act of free-market peacekeeping, or propping up a brutal dictator in Saddam Hussein with all manner of chemical weapons to kill millions of Iranians and Iraqis and calling it “leadership,” to all non-sadists and peace-lovers alike, this is another ‘big fucking deal’ for an administration that keeps on making history, while the aristocrat choir sings songs of division and manufactured dissent.

For the sake of downplaying this administration’s direct role in all this, corporate media headlines today might read: “Victory For World Powers.”

But make no mistake. This is another win and another huge “first” in a long line of firsts for the Obama administration which just keeps moving us forward despite the nagging fat asses of soft-racism slowing us up to complain the whole way about the alleged lies and tyrannical policies that brought them better health insurance, record DOW and S&P, reduced deficit, stable gas prices, less nukes, financial sector accountability, saved the U.S. auto industry, blah, blah, blah.

The president earned every bit of his Nobel Peace Prize this weekend, which should drive his buffoonish critics to new lows to explain away his mastery of presidential politics on the world stage.

You’ve never seen anything like this before, America. ‘Hope and Change’ are alive and well, despite the best efforts of saboteurs and the cynics to see it destroyed.

This is exactly why we elected Barack Obama.


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Historic Senate Action A Victory for Democrats
by Tracy Knauss

Today’s decision to limit the filibuster is a major victory for our Democratically controlled Senate, for President Obama and for American democracy. The final straw that caused Senator Harry Reid to use the “nuclear option” was Republican obstructionism which blocked four of Obama’s five nominees to the all-important D.C. Circuit Court, a court with privileged powers pertaining to cases involving the Executive and Legislative branches of government. This court has eleven members. Right now it has only eight active judges. Four Republicans and four Democrats. Bush appointed the four conservators on this court. Obama has the right to appoint three more, giving the court a solid Democratic majority on decisions regarding the EPA and even the Affordable Care Act.

So now President Obama will be able to make lifetime appointments to this powerful court and other federal benches as well. This will help swing the pendulum back to the Democrats and the American middle class. No longer can the minority Republican Party stifle the president’s nominees. The promiscuous use of the filibuster was due to the rise of the Tea Party and other radicals with no respect for government. These radicals want to destroy the government and nullify President Obama’s election victory. But today’s historic action in the U.S. Senate will put an end to a lot of that nonsense. It’s nice to see a modicum of reason return to what had been termed “the nation’s most deliberative body.”

Nuclear Option Provides Relief For Dispirited Dems

THE BIGGEST THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY? The Nullification Of A Presidency!
by Benjamin T Moore Jr

Elections *do* and *should* have consequences. Congressional Republicans have been committed to nullifying the Presidency of Barack Obama since the night of his first inauguration. The will of the people be damned! 

Whether you love him or hate him… is *NOT* the point. The office is larger than the man. Unlike our previous President, President Obama was not appointed President by a panel of judges on a court stacked by his daddy. He was duly elected by a majority of the American people. He deserves the opportunity to enact his agenda. He deserves… the American People deserve for him to have his full cabinet filled. He deserves to have his appointments either confirmed or declined.

When one Party – ANY Party – takes it upon themselves to subrogate the collective will of the electorate, replacing it with their own agenda, Democracy dies. We no longer have a Constitutional Republic. What we have becomes an fascist oligarchy which will quickly degenerate into tyranny and despotism.

What Harry Reid did by changing the Senate rules ending the abuse of the procedural filibuster was to strike a blow for Democracy. Don’t be naive! Sequestration and the shutting down of the Government was all designed to deliver a one, two punch to the Affordable Care Act. Both came at a time when the federal government needed resources to launch the program correctly. The timing wasn’t an accident. Now of course, the Republicans are holding hearings to find out why things are going poorly. Republicans need look no further than their own mirror.

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by Benjamin T Moore Jr

“One Of The Biggest Myths Ever Perpetrated On The American People Is This Notion Of A Free Market.” ~ Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

We do not have a free market, never have and never will. For the markets to be *FREE* the following would have to be true:

• Everyone would have to have *equality* of information. 
• Everyone would have to have *equality* of opportunity.
• There would have to be true *competition* between corporate entities. 

This is clearly NOT the case! Representatives and Senators vote on and pass laws that affect the bottom lines of companies they own stock in. Most people would call that, “Insider Trading,” or at the very least, “conflicts of interest.” 

Big businesses are waging war on YOU the consumer. How much profit is enough? I’m no fan of Henry Ford. He supported Hitler and the Nazi regime financially. I will give him this though. He stated that he wanted to build quality cars priced such that the people who assembled them, could afford to buy them. This means, not only was he controlling his price point, but he was paying his workers a salary that allowed them to become his customers. 

When the auto makers needed a bailout. Ford wasn’t one of them. When you factor in their bills and their cost of living, most of the people who work at McDonald’s cannot afford to eat there. 80% of Walmart employees are either on Food Stamps or qualify for Food Stamps. What this means is, we taxpayers are making up the difference between what they’re being paid and what Walmart should be paying them. Meanwhile, Walmart continues to stock its shelves with cheap goods manufactured in China by workers who *might* be making $1.00 an hour. Many are making less. The Walton family are multi-billionaires. If you shop at Walmart, you might as well be cutting your own throat!

A Zero-Sum game is a game in which the only way I can win is if you lose. People who have deluded themselves into believing that spouting the Republican talking points on taxation and capitalism makes them patriots, need to recall the “Pledge of Allegiance.” At no point in that pledge are you vowing fealty to corporate America. You’re vowing allegiance to our Republic. What is best for our Republic is what ought to be of interest to you. 

Corporations are ruining our ecosystem, poisoning our water and air, putting toxins into our food and there are some fools who argue that they shouldn’t be paying any more in taxes. Think about it. How big a fool do you have to be to love your executioner???


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Cruz Missile Targets Capitol!!

by Tracy Knauss

CRUISIN’ FOR A BRUSIN’ — For the record, the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare or Romneycare 2) was originally a Republican idea spawned in the Koch-funded “think tank,” the Heritage Foundation. Gov. Romney embraced it and implemented it in Massachusetts where it has been a big success.

But…when the Black man in the White House embraced it for all of America, thinking he’d find bipartisan support in Congress, suddenly the frightwingers changed positions and have been fighting it tooth and nail. What the Republicans initially liked about the law was that it covered the insurance industry, by requiring everyone to have insurance. Yet it is this SAME mandated coverage that the Republicans now use as the main thrust of their opposition. “This is America. You can’t make us buy anything we don’t want to!” goes the Tea Party mantra.

Front and center to this opposition is TEAbully Senator Ted Cruz from Texas who was only elected because of radical redistricting, ensuring his victory. Last week his own hometown newspaper withdrew its previous endorsement of him. Cruz went to Washington to seek and destroy Obamacare, NOT to work with Democrats to create laws needed by most Americans.

One of the foundation planks in Obama’s election platform was passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). It passed both houses of Congress, President Obama signed it into law, and the Supreme Court upheld its basic principles. BUT the TEAjadists couldn’t stand it. They refused to believe Obama won reelection (by the largest margin since Clinton), so they shut down our government, costing us $24 billion in economic injury, not to speak of the human suffering and the international disrespect. Cruz and the TEApublicans lost that battle too.

But now Cruz refuses to surrender, mounting an effort to destroy “Obamacare” in any way he can. In so doing, this Cruz Missile is destroying the Republican Party by elevating the ignorant radicals to command-and-control positions, and raising money (via the Koch Machine) to challenge in the upcoming primaries anyone who supported reopening our government and raising the debt ceiling. America has so many challenges facing our leaders. Yet Senator Cruz’s utter disdain for our government motivates him to destroy our two-century-old form of democratic rule in favor of sectarian, minority party rule.

It’s time to put Cruz in his place. If the establishment Republicans won’t or can’t do it, then the Democrats and Independents must. His ill-conceived, personally motivated efforts must be stopped.

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Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans

Robert Redford on shutdown: Anti-Obama ‘racism’ drove fight

Robert Reich accuses the GOP of treason

PETITION: Call For Arresting And Charging Tea Party Republicans With Sedition

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Destroying America In 3 Easy Steps




by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

EVERYTHING THE TEA PARTY AND THE GOP ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT…Were in full swing for 8 years under George Bush. Odd we heard not a peep from them then isn’t it? Wonder what’s changed???

How do you bring down the United States? It is easy!

Destroying America In 3 Easy Steps (here’s how)


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Treason, Sedition, Political Terrorism and the Defense of Democracy’s High Ground

2nd from left: Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader; last is John Boehner, Speaker

Treason, Sedition, and the Defense of Democracy’s High Ground

I think Attorney General Eric Holder now has all the ammunition he needs to charge the Republican Party/GOP/Tea Party with treason, sedition, “economic destruction of government, direct economic harm and a form of violence against millions here and abroad, and procedural coup by blackmail…end Obamacare or they will destroy government. Now the Republican Right’s economic warfare – it’s blackmail, no getting around it – to shut down the government and to destroy its international credit worthiness, has directly surfaced inside the very heart of our democratic processes, our legislative mechanisms. This is a form of “leverage” that a democracy, however flawed, cannot allow.”


Rep. Eric Cantor Will Profit in Stock Market if U.S. Goes into Default


Republicans Aren’t Hostage Takers, They’re Political Terrorists

Today’s Republicans will never release the hostage—instead they’re intent on taking down Obama, and they don’t care if they go down with him, says Michael Tomasky as we head toward a shutdown.



By rigging the Shutdown, Republicans need to be charged with SEDITION! Please sign this petition to AG Holder and share.


Congress Did Something So Spectacularly Creepy That It’s Too Unbelievable To Make Up

Just before the shutdown happened, the GOP quietly passed a measure that said only House Majority Leader Eric Cantor can call for the shutdown to end (unless he gives a designee permission). Not even the most senior GOP congressperson, Speaker of the House John Boehner, is allowed to do it, without permission from his own guy.


GOP’s Backdoor Impeachment Scheme Exposed

Republicans have lost at the ballot box and the Supreme Court, so they’ve decided to nullify President Obama another way: keep his government from working, period.


Adding insult to injury…

The Confederate Flag Won’t Help Conservatives Win the Shutdown

Flying the Confederate Flag in front of the black President’s house is an abomination and direct threat to him and the will of the majority. They hate the President and blacks more than they love the country so much they are willing to destroy it.


Larry Klaman tells Obama ‘put the Quran down’ and ‘come out with his hands up’ at D.C. shutdown…

These are the same people who caused the shutdown and now  blaming it on Obama who has a mandate from Americans with 5 million votes that won him the Presidency. They refuse to accept a black man as President and will stop at nothing to get their way.



By rigging the Shutdown, Republicans need to be charged with SEDITION! Please sign this petition to AG Holder and share.



Are you registered to vote? Do you know who to vote for? Do you know when to vote?

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Republicans Are Begging America to Fail


Via Tracy Knauss the Photo Doctor

On ABC’s “This Week,” former President Bill Clinton addressed the likely government shutdown. The selfish actions of the House Republicans are seen as spiteful by Clinton, who says President Obama is right not to give in to this lunatic fringe.

Bill Clinton: GOP ‘Begging For America To Fail’


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Americans Can Register To Vote When Signing Up For Obamacare



Americans will be able to register to vote when applying for insurance through Obamacare, a White House official told TPM Tuesday, despite reports to the contrary and outcry from congressional Republicans.

Mother Jones reported earlier Tuesday on a report from progressive groups, which asserted that the Obama administration was planning to back down from its plan to offer voter registration on the federal marketplace, which will cover 36 states. The source of the claim is unclear, which the Mother Jones article acknowledged, but it sparked some panic among liberal activists.

Not to worry, a senior administration official told TPM: Voter registration through the health insurance marketplaces will continue as planned. The official said any reports to the contrary were “inaccurate.”

Insurance applications filed under the health care reform law are required by law to have a section for voter registration. The 1993 National Voter Registration Act mandates that any government agencies providing government services must also provide people with access to voter registration.

The Obama administration had previously said that the marketplaces fell under the 1993 law’s statute and would therefore offer voter registration. That’s still the plan, according to the senior administration official.

According to Mother Jones, the left-leaning policy group Demos and voter registration rights group Project Vote posted a report last month that the Obama administration would not offer voter registration services on the marketplaces. Instead, the insurance application would simply link consumers to a mail-in form.

When contacted by the magazine, the groups seemed to back off the report, saying that they had considering pulling it.

Congressional offices had been in touch about the matter, according to Mother Jones, though HHS had declined to comment to the magazine. HHS didn’t immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

Congressional Republicans have been critical of voter registration on the marketplaces. House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) wrote a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in March, questioning the administration’s plan.

Combining voter registration with the Obamacare marketplace, Boustany wrote, “could lead some to think voter registration is somehow tied to subsidy eligibility.”


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