Tag Archives: dante price

Bill Maher: ‘The New Racism Is Denying Racism’

Dr. Drew Pinsky had a chat today on his program with Bill Maher, who stepped away from hosting his own show to weigh in on a number of topics, and the two fell into discussing the Trayvon Martin story. Pinsky asked him whether he thought the story was about race, and Maher scoffed– “how can it not be?”

“I can’t believe we’re even asking that question,” Maher noted, and responded to Pinsky’s question that if both of the people involved were black, “we wouldn’t have heard about it.” “That, to me, cuts deeper in some ways,” Pinsky replied, and Maher agreed to some extent, adding that more than overt racism, “the new racism is denying racism”– a reason, Maher later added, he believed affirmative action was still appropriate in some ways. Racism today, he argued, was as if “a race started and 3/4ths of the way around the track, black people got to start running… you don’t look up and go ‘hey, we’re all running now.’”

Thank you for speaking out on this tragic issue, Bill. Racism has always been there. Blacks only go so far in companies, they get the lower paying jobs, housing is rigged so they pay higher mortgage loans for lesser square footage, they are imprisoned in greater numbers, yet represent only 13% of the population for crimes that are ignored or minimized for whites. You get the picture.

As bad as that has always been, about 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

The Black Holocaust in America is alive and thriving today like never before. If white America is experiencing a Recession, Black America is experiencing a Depression. If white America catches a cold, black America gets pneumonia. From the housing market crash hurting blacks and hispanics in far greater numbers, to the joblessness rate, to the incarceration rates which pull apart the family structure, to modern day lynchings such as Trayvon Martin’s murder and Dante Price’ murder and Jules Moor’s attack, the numbers tell a story of white privilege and denial.

Enough is Enough.