Tag Archives: politics

Documentaries That Will Change the Way You View Your World Forever

Most people want to know what is going on in our world. Most people watch the news trying to learn. The problem is corporate news is run by the same corporations that cause all the problems.

So, if you want to educate yourself, these documentaries will help you.


“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” ~ Galileo Galilei 


Flow: For Love Of Water

The Corporation


Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Esoteric Agenda

Ring of Power

Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

The World According to Monsanto

America: Freedom to Fascism

One Nation Under Siege

Iraq for Sale

Beyond Treason

Why We Fight

Loose Change: Final Cut

9/11 Revisited

Richard Gage Blueprint for Truth

The Money Masters

The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception

Michael Ruppert’s Collapse

What in the World are They Spraying

Seeds of Freedom


Forgetting Fukushima

“Zero” An Investigation into 9/11

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business 

Dying to Have Known

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Woody Harrelson Presents Ethos

Human Resources

Food Matters


The Greater Good

Genetic Roulette

Vaccine Nation

Food Inc

Forks over Knives

Big Bucks Big Pharma

Cancer – The Forbidden Cures

The Drugging of Our Children

In Lies We Trust

What the Bleep Do We Know

Owned & Operated


Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism


Why in the World are They Spraying


A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash

We Become Silent: Last Days of Health Freedom

They Want Your Soul

The True History of the Federal Reserve

Be sure to copy this list and share it with others! Information is Power!

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” ~ Gloria Steinem


Turning the light on brightly for you…

2014…get to the polls and “throw the bums out!”

Via Politicususa


In my media news life, I’ve covered a couple of state legislatures. Politically I’ve testified before a committee, been announced from the floor and actually have befriended some state senators and representatives. They’ve either told me stuff on background or have been half in the bag when they spilled the beans. My incentive for this story is to ‘vote the bums out’. We no longer have a citizen representative democracy in most states


Lets start with access. As an average Joe or Jill you can’t get through to the Governor or assorted legislative big shots. But money talks. A prime example is the February 2011 phone punking of Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker by an online newspaper editor pretending to be David Koch. When Walker thought it was one of the Billion-dollar brothers, he dove for the phone. Power, money and those who preside over large voting blocs get the attention of your elected officials.


A second money example is Howard Rich, a 72-year-old New York Real Estate Mogul who routinely pours sizable contributions fronted by his LLC Corporations into even the smallest of districts in states where legislators are voting on school choice or voucher issues. In South Carolina, Rich got his money’s worth. He contributed to 58% of the state’s House members who passed a school choice bill he supported. The bill was approved, by a 65-49 count. All 65 were Republicans. You can track more info and assorted SC Rich contributions listed in my September 12th submission. It’s the same Rich pattern in other state legislatures. Your $50 buys no access or influence. Ergo, you should know that General Assembly squatters get their marching orders from the same people who over-stuff their campaign coffers.


(read the rest of the article here…it’s worth it)


…The best chance you have to advance this country to the next step in recovery is the mid-terms in 2014. Be proud Democrats and no matter how many voting roadblocks the right-wing plants in front of you, get to the polls and “throw the bums out.”



Turning the light on brightly for you…

How Mormon Doctrine Shapes Romney’s World View

This is nothing short of shocking.

Via CounterPunch

As Mormon missionaries in the 1960s, Mitt Romney and I were required to present six “discussions” to “investigators” before baptizing them – he in France and I in northern California. Central to those discussions was the “Plan of Salvation” (POS); and central to it, the “Doctrine of Eternal Progression.” These doctrines are also the essence of the Mormon temple “endowment ceremony” in which covenants of allegiance to God and the Church are made, accompanied by oaths of secrecy.

The doctrines are unique to Mormonism and absolutely central to it. There is no way that Mitt Romney’s view of the world cannot have been shaped by them, especially given the rather cloistered life he has lived. Together with passages of Mormon scripture, they imply several disturbingly retrograde political views that define the Republican-Tea Party:

* Women are subordinate to men.

* People of color are, or were, morally underdeveloped compared to white people.

* Gays cannot become gods, i.e., will be damned.

* The correct political philosophy is libertarianism.

* The best form of government fosters free-market capitalism with minimal regulatory oversight of business and industry.

* Earth is only a temporary home to be used as a stepping stone, not necessarily to be preserved or conserved.

* War in the Middle East is inevitable as part of God’s plan for “the last days.”

* Lying for the cause of righteousness, such as winning the election, is morally acceptable.

The Plan of Salvation

This takes us back to before the creation of Earth, when we were spirit beings living in a “spirit world.” We were created out of “spirit matter” through a process of conception, gestation and birth involving a heavenly father (God) and mother. The firstborn spirit of our heavenly parents was Jesus, the second was Satan, and other notables included early Mormon leaders Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. They were especially “righteous” beings who were “fore-ordained” to play important roles in the historical unfolding of Mormon eschatology.

God eventually decided there were enough spirit children and it was time to start sending them away to college (my metaphor). So He created Earth and its myriad creatures for the college campus and solicited plans for a curriculum, graduation requirements, and future career tracks. Jesus and Satan each submitted a plan.

Jesus’s Plan

According to Jesus’s plan, the spirits who would decide to go to Earth would receive a mortal body, suffer and die, then be resurrected in a perfect union of spirit and body that would never suffer or die. A “veil of ignorance” would be placed across their minds so that they would not remember their pre-existence, and God’s commandments would be revealed to them through prophets. Importantly, they would have “free agency” to choose to obey them or not and would be responsible for their choices and actions.

Eternal Progression

All spirits who agreed to go along with Jesus’s plan will eventually receive resurrection as a graduation diploma and will be exalted to a level of glory commensurate with their earthly grades. The most righteous ones will receive the highest degree of eternal glory: the Celestial Kingdom. Others will go to the Terrestrial (middle) Kingdom or to the Telestial (lower) Kingdom. Each of these kingdoms is better than mortal existence, which is better than the spirit pre-existence. The three estates and the three kingdoms of glory represent a continuum of moral and material progress: an increase in righteousness leads to an increase in mastery and dominion over creation.

Satan’s Plan

Satan had a different plan. He knew that many spirits would be unable to resist temptations. He empathized with them and thought a much more compassionate plan would be to “force” them to live God’s commandments, so they could go to the Celestial Kingdom. The catch here is that they would have to be deprived of their free agency through dictatorial force. And this would be very bad because then they would not earn, and would therefore not merit, their eternal rewards.

There was another important difference between the two plans. Jesus told God that even though he would suffer for the sins of the world, he would give all glory for the salvation of mankind to God; while Satan said that since he devised the plan and would be doing all the work to ensure salvation for mankind, he would accept the glory for himself – and he wouldn’t have to suffer for people’s sins either, because they wouldn’t be allowed to sin.

War in Heaven

A “Council in Heaven” was held in which Jesus and Satan each pitched his plan. God liked Jesus’s plan best and gave the spirits an ultimatum, which was essentially this: “Follow Jesus or follow Satan of your own free agency. But if you follow Satan, you will be barred from eternal progression.” This fomented a “War in Heaven” in which one third of the spirits took sides with Satan and rejected Jesus’s plan, apparently out of sheer orneriness for they had nothing to gain thereby; and so they, along with Satan, were banished from the divine presence for all eternity. The rest of us were eventually born into mortal bodies on Earth (with an untold number still waiting to be born), while Satan and his minions now occupy a kind of shadow Earth where they are constantly scheming and working to thwart Jesus’s plan.

The Status of Women

There was a rank order among all the spirits with respect to their degrees of righteousness. Jesus was the highest ranking spirit. Satan was second until his “fall.” The Biblical patriarchs and prophets were high achievers too, and so were “fore-ordained” to play a big role in the unfolding of the divine plan here on Earth. The rest of us were less stellar.

Because of the natural ranking of the spirits, there will be a roughly corresponding ranking among them as mortal beings too. Eternal progression can be compared to a foot race in which the starting points in the pre-existence were staggered according to the degrees of righteousness of the spirits, with the most righteous ones having a head start. Because of their superiority, they will tend to pull further ahead on Earth. The most righteous of all will naturally be great leaders and empire builders and the like. But for some inexplicable reason, the spiritual leaders will all be males. Women cannot hold the priesthood or become prophets in the Mormon Church, and they enjoy no ultimate decision-making authority. Their primary job is to serve men, which above all means homemaking, child bearing, and child rearing.

The Status of Blacks and American Indians

The more inferior spirits on Earth start at the back of the pack and tend to fall behind even while progressing. They are the descendants of Cain (Negroes) (here the race analogy tends to break down – pun intended) and the descendants of rebellious Laman and Lemuel in the Book of Mormon (Native Americans). God “marked” or “cursed” them with a dark skin to distinguish them. But because they have their free agency, through extra diligence they might eventually overcome their poor starts to join God’s elite. A 1978 “revelation” to then-Mormon prophet Spencer W. Kimball allowed blacks to hold the Mormon priesthood for the first time, presumably because they had then progressed sufficiently. There was once a passage in the Book of Mormon (it has been excised) that said the descendants of Laman and Lemuel would one day become “white and delightsome.”

Polygamy and the Status of Gays

The people who earn the best grades on Earth will get the best jobs upon graduation from Earth. They will be the most god-like beings and accordingly will receive Celestial glory. They will become gods, endlessly creating and ruling over their own cosmic empires. Also, despite the Mormon Church’s official repudiation of polygamy, which was a precondition for Utah statehood, it is still generally accepted that achieving godhood will require the institution of polygamy in the Hereafter, with husbands being “sealed” to multiple wives. Needless to say, gay people won’t participate in this, so they can’t become gods; which is to say that they will be damned in the sense of not continuing to progress for eternity.

Cosmic Pyramid Schemes

 It is a kind of axiom of Mormon doctrine that to be righteous is to follow “correct principles” that tend to produce successful and happy lives, conceived in both spiritual and material terms. Achieving godhood status is believed to be the highest possible source of happiness and joy. And presumably this grand POS will be repeated over and over for eternity, with new gods creating new worlds ad infinitum in a cosmic pyramid scheme. (This may go some distance in explaining why Utah is plagued to an unusual degree with earthly pyramid schemes in which trusting Mormons are bilked out of their life savings by trusted Mormons.)

The Status of Earth

 From the point of view of the POS, Earth and its myriad creatures exist primarily for the benefit of mankind, and thereby to glorify God. They are like a pair of shoes: It is prudent to take good care of your shoes, but their primary purpose is to help you get where you want to go, in the course of which wear and tear will be unavoidable. So don’t worry too much about global climate change or species extinctions. Yikes!

Free Agency vs. Compassion, Brotherly Love, and Cooperation

The POS illustrates the relative importance of two Mormon moral ideals: free agency, which entails taking responsibility for one’s choices and actions; and compassion, brotherly love, and cooperation, which require helping those in need. Each is in its own way commendable, but combining them in a way that is responsive to real circumstances can be challenging: Concerning people ostensibly in need, when is compassion the right response and when is demanding that they take responsibility for themselves the right response?

Of the two, free agency is in an important way more fundamental than compassion, as shown by the fact that God preferred a plan that emphasized the one over the other. It is more important than doing good deeds because only good that is done freely merits moral approbation and reward. Free agency is therefore a necessary condition for individual moral progress – and ultimately also for material progress as represented by gods creating worlds and exercising dominion over them. So far, so good, but . . .

The Right Form of Government and Economic System

The POS pretty clearly supports a libertarian political philosophy, including free market capitalism with minimal regulatory oversight of business and industry. Anything less would necessitate a sacrifice of free agency.

In this connection, it is interesting that in the early days of Mormons in Utah, Brigham Young attempted to establish a very pure socialistic system, the “United Order,” that would have made Karl Marx envious. In doing so, he was clearly giving precedence to compassion, brotherly love, and cooperation over competition. Why? One can presumably imagine a morally perfect being, such as Jesus, who always chooses and does what is right without being forced to; and Brigham Young thought the Saints ought to give it a try. Unfortunately, the experiment failed. Too many of the Saints gave in to avarice when they saw a chance to make money selling stuff to overland travelers. And they weren’t anxious to share their lucre either.

The Best of  All Possible Worlds? 

In Mormon terms, the best of all possible worlds will be one in which all people freely live God’s commandments. If compassion is called for, like the “good Samaritan” they will show compassion even at the expense of personal inconvenience. And they will share their talents and possessions freely to advance the greater good – as was supposed to happen with the United Order experiment. However, real people and the real world being what they are, an astonishing amount of human suffering goes unalleviated – suffering that might be prevented or relieved to a considerable extent through the institution of government programs designed to promote the general welfare, e.g., Social Security and universal health care. Yet paradoxically, given the ethical primacy of respect for free agency over the duty of compassion, from the point of view of the POS such a world must be reckoned morally inferior to one in which there is more human suffering, perhaps much more, but less state coercion. This fact doesn’t fit comfortably with Jesus’s message of love and compassion in the New Testament. Ouch!

Mormon Exceptionalism

A person who has been indoctrinated with Mormon dogma, especially if he is also a male born into a privileged social and economic position, is physically attractive, intelligent, and charismatic, might easily come to believe that he is one of the fore-ordained or “chosen ones” of God who will play a critical role in the events of the last days, including perhaps saving the United States Constitution when it is “hanging by a thread,” as predicted in the uncanonized “White Horse Prophecy” that was reputedly delivered by the Mormon Church’s founder Joseph Smith in 1843. It is known that Mitt Romney had such delusions of grandeur when he was younger. Does he still?

Sinning for the Lord

Because Mormon eschatology views human history, from the War in Heaven through Armageddon, as a continuing war between the two great forces of good and evil , sinning for the Lord” might at times be a moral necessity. Indeed, in the opening pages of the Book of Mormon, the most prominent hero of the book, a revered Mormon prophet named Nephi, murdered a man named Laban in order to steal a genealogical record of his people to take with his family to the Americas. This act was ethically justified as follows: “And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me again: Slay him, for the Lord hath delivered him into thy hands; Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.” (1 Nephi 4:12-13) (One can’t help but think of Romney’s shameless shape-shifting and etch-a-sketching.)


According to Mormon eschatology, we are now in the “last days” of our earthly estate, which explains the official name of the Mormon Church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Surely Armageddon is not far off, when the forces of righteousness will permanently conquer and subdue the forces of evil. This will usher in a millennium of peace in which Jesus will return to Earth to rule, assisted by the most worthy of God’s children, a good many of whom will of course be Mormons. These elite will include men who are leaders of men and empire builders the likes of Mitt Romney. They will also be members of the “House of Israel,” which consists both of the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Jacob and people who are “adopted” into the House of Israel by being baptized Mormons. From the Mormon perspective, this implies a special affinity between Mormons and Jews that is reinforced by a common history of persecution. It’s an obvious step from this to the conclusion that ineluctable Armageddon will involve a war between the righteous nation of Israel and its supporters on the one side, and its enemies on the other. As things presently stand, we are talking here about a war to end all wars between Israel and Iran and their respective allies. Just what we don’t need!

Tipping point

Our nation has reached a point of extreme political and moral polarization, with the Republican-Tea Party on one side and the Democrat Party on the other, each vying for command of our future. One can say, accurately enough, that the one side fervently embraces the propositions listed at the beginning of this essay, while the other side vehemently rejects them. It is to be expected, therefore, that the views of the respective presidential nominees reflect this same stark opposition. While it is hardly likely that the upcoming election will resolve this clash of values for once and for all, all the indications are that it will mark a singular, momentous, and irreversible turning point in our nation’s history.

Kirk Robinson, Ph.D., is an attorney (and former Mormon, having left decisively over 40 years ago) living in Salt Lake City.

This article was originally posted at Counterpunch

Obama’s speech at AP Luncheon (NOT to be missed) – 04.03.12

In his keynote address at the Associated Press Luncheon yesterday, President Obama denounced the House Republican Budget calling it a “Trojan Horse disguised as deficit reduction plan.”

The Republican budget plan, approved by the House last week last, cuts $5.3 trillion over the next ten years through deeps cuts in spending and entitlements benefits (because they are PAID FOR BY THE PEOPLE.

Obama calls the GOP budget ‘thinly veiled social Darwinism.’

The President has pretty much cinched the 2012 election. Listen to this speech and you will know why.

Don’t miss this great speech.

Full transcript of the speech

Bill Maher: ‘The New Racism Is Denying Racism’

Dr. Drew Pinsky had a chat today on his program with Bill Maher, who stepped away from hosting his own show to weigh in on a number of topics, and the two fell into discussing the Trayvon Martin story. Pinsky asked him whether he thought the story was about race, and Maher scoffed– “how can it not be?”

“I can’t believe we’re even asking that question,” Maher noted, and responded to Pinsky’s question that if both of the people involved were black, “we wouldn’t have heard about it.” “That, to me, cuts deeper in some ways,” Pinsky replied, and Maher agreed to some extent, adding that more than overt racism, “the new racism is denying racism”– a reason, Maher later added, he believed affirmative action was still appropriate in some ways. Racism today, he argued, was as if “a race started and 3/4ths of the way around the track, black people got to start running… you don’t look up and go ‘hey, we’re all running now.’”

Thank you for speaking out on this tragic issue, Bill. Racism has always been there. Blacks only go so far in companies, they get the lower paying jobs, housing is rigged so they pay higher mortgage loans for lesser square footage, they are imprisoned in greater numbers, yet represent only 13% of the population for crimes that are ignored or minimized for whites. You get the picture.

As bad as that has always been, about 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

The Black Holocaust in America is alive and thriving today like never before. If white America is experiencing a Recession, Black America is experiencing a Depression. If white America catches a cold, black America gets pneumonia. From the housing market crash hurting blacks and hispanics in far greater numbers, to the joblessness rate, to the incarceration rates which pull apart the family structure, to modern day lynchings such as Trayvon Martin’s murder and Dante Price’ murder and Jules Moor’s attack, the numbers tell a story of white privilege and denial.

Enough is Enough.

Why do conservatives vote AGAINST their own interests?

So, why DO conservatives vote against their own interests? The best answer is “conservatives must be voting to make the top 1% rich because under their policies, no one else ever gets there.”

No wonder the GOP wants to keep the nation dumbed down.

Kony 2012 is not all it seems

You can sure tell it’s an election year. And it is particularly weird having a black man as president of the US who has been phenomenally successful at fixing the train wreck caused by George W. Bush and the right wing. Like Wile E. Coyote always trying to set land mines, booby traps and dynamite in the path of Roadrunner, most of the GOP/right wing tricks come back to bite them where the sun don’t shine. I’ve come to expect cheating, lying, spreading fear and racism to do anything to win control of the country so their masters — the dark cabal — can continue raping the nation.

So when I heard about Krony 2012, flags went up. My first thought was too much money was poured into this slick video with an innocent little white boy superimposed as a backdrop to the ugly, black, monstrous looking Krony. Why not a little black boy from Uganda? I’ll leave that for you to answer.

And I was right to be suspect.

Turns out that long before Kony 2012 became an Internet sensation, the film’s director, Jason Russell, was a hit with the Religious Right and the broader evangelical community. Russell, the founder of Invisible Children, has been lavished with praise on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and on stage at Jerry Falwell’s university. Additionally, as Bruce Wilson has explored, Invisible Children has received substantial funding from extremely conservative Christian groups and foundations. You know, the same groups who support the GOP/right wing machine.

And it turns out, the viral video has been removed from some sites, so you will have to do a search for it. A good write-up on Kony 2012 and criticism of the video can be found here.

And it gets weird from there…

Invisible Children Founder and ‘Kony 2012’ Filmmaker Jason Russell Detained For Public Masturbation

There’s not enough information for me to decide if Krony 2012 is a distraction from Obama winning reelection and that Krony is a big, black boogieman to scare white America into associating Kony with our President. But putting together my intuition, insight into politics, the GOP shenanigans, racism in this country and what we now know, I think it is on target to raise the red flag on this issue.

We live in a time where truth will prevail. If you still operate from a place of ego, bigotry and not really knowing who you are, you will be easily deceived by flash, glitter, lies, hatred, fears…and money. You will also be easily discovered as a fraud yourself. Be like the hawk. Examine yourself with scrutiny as you examine everything else. Only then will you know which way to travel. Only then can you discern what is true and what is not.

America Beyond Capitalism

We all know the current economic and political system isn’t working. It’s corrupt, with 1% of the population amassing wealth beyond the imagination, while the the remainder suffer in anger, hopelessness and despair. That 1% buys Congress who make the rules. And Congress disagrees on those rules to the point that the nation is gridlocked with no hope in sight of any meaningful agreement.

On a personal level, I am doing my best to control my own life in these uncertain times. I switched banks going to a local credit union, I planted a vegetable garden so I can survive and enjoy food free from chemicals and monster seeds (GMO), I have paid off all debts, and I’m in the process of building a solar system to live off the grid and be free of an antiquated system dominated by monopoly corporations that bleed us dry.

Capitalism has failed us. It doesn’t work. And if we don’t get another system in place soon, we will die with it. Literally. I encourage you to watch this 13 minute video as Gar Alperovitz outlines a system that can and is working in different places. Gar describes a model that challenges private monopoly ownership without a powerful bureaucratic state. I’m sold because I’m already doing it. If you are with a local bank or credit union, you are doing it too. Enjoy! ~CAdesertvoice

“This challenging work succeeds in a task that may seem almost utopian in dark times suffused by anger, hopelessness, and despair: to provide concrete and feasible ways to reverse the ominous course of the past several decades and to open the way to a vibrant democracy with a sustainable economy that can satisfy human needs, not least the need to control one’s work and life. It is an impressive achievement, that should inspire thought and constructive action.”
—Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

America Beyond Capitalism comes at a critical time in our history—when we all know our system isn’t working but we are not sure what can be done about it. This book takes us outside the confines of orthodox thinking, imagines a new way of living together, and then brings that vision back into reality with a set of eminently practical ideas that promise a truly democratic society.”
—Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States

“An important guidebook to the future. First, Alperovitz leads a grim tour of the deteriorated values at the core of the American experience – equality, liberty, democracy, and the wise use of our collective wealth. Then he takes us to the mountaintop with a broad and optimistic mapping vision of how Americans can remake their economy and society to restore those values. A compelling and convincing story of the future.”
—William Greider, author of The Soul of a Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy