Tag Archives: debt peonage

Rise Up or Die

I’m not a fan of Cornel West, nor do I think Eric Holder should be fired over the AP “scandal.” However, everything else about this article is right on time. It’s an EXCELLENT READ and a call to ACTION!!

Native Americans KNEW the air, land, mountains, rivers, oceans, animals, birds…everything is SACRED. Sacred to our well-being and lives. The greed of the wealthy, corporations and politicians is destroying us all, including them. How evil and stupid is it to think removing mountaintops in poor areas — that break the wind and help control climate — would not cause extreme disaster weather around the globe?

The winds begin in the West Coast. The beautiful mountain ranges here BREAK THE WIND as it reaches turbulent weather in the Mid West and tornado alley. These storms continue to the East Coast. With nothing to break their weather, the East Coast can expect horrendous hurricanes and colder weather. You can see that in your area. The seasons are changing and are extreme.

Native Americans KNEW that the oil and jewels deep in the ground are the VEINS aka the blood of the earth. It takes hundreds, even thousands of years for fossil fuels to regenerate. Trees too. The Rain Forests of Brazil have been a buffer for the entire planet. It too, has been decimated. The ice caps in Antarctica have melted, animals are migrating to areas they’ve never been before, while we are worried about Dancing With The Stars and the latest soap opera on the idiot tube.

Native Americans blessed the animals and food they ate because they KNEW it was for our sustenance and without it we could not live. Our food is being controlled and manipulated in labs to the point where we call it MONSTER FOOD. You wouldn’t want to give these GMO foods/seeds to a dog. It is changing our DNA.

Native Americans knew the water is PRECIOUS. We can go weeks without food, but only a few days without water. It is the MOST CRITICAL need for all life. Corporations have polluted our drinking water. Water is about to be privatized…and it will be expensive.

As this article says, it is time to rebel. ~MY


Rise Up or Die

Joe Sacco and I spent two years reporting from the poorest pockets of the United States for our book “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt.” We went into our nation’s impoverished “sacrifice zones” — the first areas forced to kneel before the dictates of the marketplace — to show what happens when unfettered corporate capitalism and ceaseless economic expansion no longer have external impediments. We wanted to illustrate what unrestrained corporate exploitation does to families, communities and the natural world. We wanted to challenge the reigning ideology of globalization and laissez-faire capitalism to illustrate what life becomes when human beings and the ecosystem are ruthlessly turned into commodities to exploit until exhaustion or collapse. And we wanted to expose as impotent the formal liberal and governmental institutions that once made reform possible, institutions no longer equipped with enough authority to check the assault of corporate power.

What has taken place in these sacrifice zones — in postindustrial cities such as Camden, N.J., and Detroit, in coalfields of southern West Virginia where mining companies blast off mountaintops, in Indian reservations where the demented project of limitless economic expansion and exploitation worked some of its earliest evil, and in produce fields where laborers often endure conditions that replicate slavery — is now happening to much of the rest of the country. These sacrifice zones succumbed first. You and I are next.

Continue reading this article…

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