Tag Archives: Election

Reminder About SC’s 100% Unverifiable Colbert Busch/Sanford U.S. House Special Election


I suspected something was very wrong when Mark Sanford won the election yesterday by 9 points…after being neck and neck with only a 1 point lead over Elizabeth Busch just the day before. Brad Blog confirmed my fears. ~Marion

At the beginning of last month, The BRAD BLOG explained in detail why it was that, no matter who South Carolina’s 100% unverifiable touch-screen voting systems declare to be the winner of tomorrow’s special election for the U.S. House, there is virtually nothing that either supporters of Elizabeth Colbert Busch (D) or of former Gov. Mark Sanford (R), can do about it.

If there are questions about the results, too bad. The state of SC doesn’t care. They don’t want citizens to be able to oversee their own elections. The results will be 100% unverifiable as determined in secret by computers — at least for those votes cast on election day at the polls, versus those cast on paper via absentee ballots.

The voting systems in use on Tuesday, as we noted in our previous article, will be the same ones which inexplicably declared the unknown, unemployed, non-campaigning Alvin Greene to be the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate over the veteran state legislator and former circuit court judge Vic Rawl back in 2010. That race shouldn’t have even been close. It was thought to be Rawl’s in a rout, prior to the results being announced by the computer voting systems, which had a different idea.

Tomorrow’s election, however, despite the 1st Congressional District having gone for Romney over Obama in a big way in 2012, is believed to be very close, according to pre-election polls.

When we wrote our April article, Colbert Busch (Stephen Colbert’s sister) was seen to be barely leading the disgraced Sanford, in what was described by Public Policy Polling (PPP) as “a toss up” at the time…

Since that time, Sanford has found himself embroiled in yet another scandal, as his former wife accused him of trespassing at her house (as opposed to “hiking the Appalachian Trail.”) He is scheduled to face those charges in court hearing this coming Thursday. In the wake of that news, Colbert Busch’s poll numbers, according to PPP (a Democratic-leaning outfit, but one with among the best recent track records in the business), bumped up to a 9-point lead over Sanford.

And now, on the eve of the race, PPP says Sanford has closed the gap, and leads Colbert Busch by just 1 point in what they describe as “a toss-up” again.

In other words, it’s anybody’s guess how voters may vote tomorrow. Unfortunately, even after tomorrow, it’ll still be anybody’s guess as to how the voters actually voted, thanks to the oft-failed, easily-manipulated, 100% unverifiable ES& iVotronic touch-screen electronic voting systems in use that will either record voters’ intent accurately tomorrow…or not. Nobody can ever know.

Continue reading here…

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2012 Democratic National Convention Agenda – Tuesday 09.03.12


Caucus and Council Meetings
Charlotte Convention Center

9AM – 10AM Morning Prayer Gathering (Room 211AB/212AB)
10AM – 2PM Caucus Session #1
Women’s Caucus (Ballroom ABCD)
12PM – 2PM Caucus Session #2
LGBT Caucus (Room 203AB)
Senior Council (Room 211AB/212AB)
2PM – 4PM   Caucus Session #3
Rural Council (Room 203AB)
Small Business Owners Council (Room 211AB/212AB)

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (LOCAL)

Call to Order

The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Chair of the Democratic National Committee
Member of the US House of Representatives, Florida

His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas
Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit
Presentation of Colors
Disabled American Veterans, The Stanly County Chapter 12 Honor Guard
Pledge of Allegiance
3rd Grade Class, W.R. O’Dell Elementary School
Concord, North Carolina
National Anthem
Amber Riley
Singer/songwriter and ‘Glee’ actress
Stephen J. Kerrigan
Chief Executive Officer of the Democratic National Convention Committee
Welcome Video
Presentation of Credentials Committee Report from Co-Chairs
Bishop Vashti McKenzie
First woman elected as bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Honorable Julián Castro
Mayor of San Antonio, Texas 
Presentation of Rules Committee Report from Co-Chairs
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris
State Attorney General of California
The Honorable Martin O’Malley
Governor of Maryland
Appointment of Convention Officers
Gaveling-in of Permanent Chair
The Honorable Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Chair of the 2012 Democratic National Convention Committee
Mayor of Los Angeles, California
The Honorable Steny Hoyer
Parliamentarian of the 2012 Democratic National Committee Convention
Democratic Whip and Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland
Andrew Tobias
Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee
Alice Germond
Secretary of the Democratic National Committee
Roll Call for Attendance

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (LOCAL)

Platform Committee Remarks
The Honorable Barbara Lee
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy (Retired)
First woman to reach rank of three-star general in the US Army
Platform Video and Remarks
The Honorable Cory A. Booker
Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
The Honorable Bev Perdue
Governor of North Carolina
American Hero Video: Education
American Voices Remarks
Ryan Case
Mary Kay Henry
International President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Remarks from Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
The Honorable Charles Gonzalez
Member of the US House of Representatives, Texas
Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
The Honorable Nydia M. Velázquez
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
The Honorable Pat Quinn
Governor of Illinois
Doug Stern
Cincinnati, Ohio Firefighter
The Honorable Tim Kaine
Candidate for the US Senate, Virginia
Former Governor of Virginia
Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (LOCAL)

The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx
Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina
The Honorable Harry Reid
Democratic Majority Leader and Member of the US Senate, Nevada
An Economy Built to Last Video: Education
Women of the US House of Representatives
Jimmy Carter Video
The Honorable Ken Salazar
Kennedy Family Tribute Video
Joe Kennedy III
Candidate for the US House of Representatives, Massachusetts
Live Performance
The Honorable Robert Wexler
President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace
Former Member of the US House of Representatives, Florida

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (LOCAL)

The Honorable R.T. Rybak
Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Honorable Jared Polis
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado
Stronger Together Video: Reproductive Choice
American Voices Remarks
Maria Ciano
Nancy Keenan
President of the National Abortion Rights Action League – Pro-Choice America (NARAL)
Progress for People Video: American Veterans
American Voices Remarks
Nate Davis
The Honorable Tammy Duckworth
Candidate for the US House of Representatives, Illinois
Former Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Veterans Affairs
The Honorable Lincoln Chafee
Governor of Rhode Island
The Honorable James E. Clyburn
Assistant Democratic Leader and Member of the US House of Representatives, South Carolina
Progress for People Video: Health Care
American Voices Remarks
Stacey Lihn
The Honorable Xavier Becerra
Democratic Caucus Vice Chair and Member of the US House of Representatives, California

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (LOCAL)

The Honorable Ted Strickland
Former Governor of Ohio

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

The Honorable Rahm Emanuel

Mayor of Chicago, Illinois
Former White House Chief of Staff

Kal Penn
Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Craig Robinson and Maya Soetoro-ng
Brother of Mrs. Obama and Sister of President Obama
Stronger Together Video: Equal Pay
Lilly Ledbetter
Women’s equality leader and namesake of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
The Honorable Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts

10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (LOCAL)

The Honorable Martin O’Malley
Governor of Maryland
Introduction of Keynote Speaker Julián Castro
Joaquin Castro
Brother of Mayor Julián Castro
Candidate for the US House of Representatives, Texas
Keynote Address
The Honorable Julián Castro
Mayor of San Antonio, Texas
Michelle Obama Video and Remarks
Elaine Brye
Michelle Obama
First Lady of the United States
Jena Lee Nardella
Founder and Executive Director of Blood: Water Mission

The Road We’ve Traveled

This is the MUST SEE movie on the economic crisis President Obama faced coming into office in 2009 and where we are today. Please share this 16 minute movie widely. Unless you are a millionaire or part of the 1% who is doing well in this nation, you need to see this. And you need to share it. Widely.