Comprehensive information on ACA aka Obamacare. ACA is designed to help the middle class. The rich can afford the best of care. The poor have access to care. But it is the middle class who will go into debt and be devastated by health care costs. Get the facts here and save this link for reference.

Cruz Missile Targets Capitol!!

by Tracy Knauss

CRUISIN’ FOR A BRUSIN’ — For the record, the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare or Romneycare 2) was originally a Republican idea spawned in the Koch-funded “think tank,” the Heritage Foundation. Gov. Romney embraced it and implemented it in Massachusetts where it has been a big success.

But…when the Black man in the White House embraced it for all of America, thinking he’d find bipartisan support in Congress, suddenly the frightwingers changed positions and have been fighting it tooth and nail. What the Republicans initially liked about the law was that it covered the insurance industry, by requiring everyone to have insurance. Yet it is this SAME mandated coverage that the Republicans now use as the main thrust of their opposition. “This is America. You can’t make us buy anything we don’t want to!” goes the Tea Party mantra.

Front and center to this opposition is TEAbully Senator Ted Cruz from Texas who was only elected because of radical redistricting, ensuring his victory. Last week his own hometown newspaper withdrew its previous endorsement of him. Cruz went to Washington to seek and destroy Obamacare, NOT to work with Democrats to create laws needed by most Americans.

One of the foundation planks in Obama’s election platform was passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). It passed both houses of Congress, President Obama signed it into law, and the Supreme Court upheld its basic principles. BUT the TEAjadists couldn’t stand it. They refused to believe Obama won reelection (by the largest margin since Clinton), so they shut down our government, costing us $24 billion in economic injury, not to speak of the human suffering and the international disrespect. Cruz and the TEApublicans lost that battle too.

But now Cruz refuses to surrender, mounting an effort to destroy “Obamacare” in any way he can. In so doing, this Cruz Missile is destroying the Republican Party by elevating the ignorant radicals to command-and-control positions, and raising money (via the Koch Machine) to challenge in the upcoming primaries anyone who supported reopening our government and raising the debt ceiling. America has so many challenges facing our leaders. Yet Senator Cruz’s utter disdain for our government motivates him to destroy our two-century-old form of democratic rule in favor of sectarian, minority party rule.

It’s time to put Cruz in his place. If the establishment Republicans won’t or can’t do it, then the Democrats and Independents must. His ill-conceived, personally motivated efforts must be stopped.

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Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans

Robert Redford on shutdown: Anti-Obama ‘racism’ drove fight

Robert Reich accuses the GOP of treason

PETITION: Call For Arresting And Charging Tea Party Republicans With Sedition 

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Destroying America In 3 Easy Steps




by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

EVERYTHING THE TEA PARTY AND THE GOP ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT…Were in full swing for 8 years under George Bush. Odd we heard not a peep from them then isn’t it? Wonder what’s changed???

How do you bring down the United States? It is easy!

Destroying America In 3 Easy Steps (here’s how)


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You’ll Pay for This, GOP: How Obama will make the 2013 shutdown a political weapon.

Yes, the GOP will pay big time. We can thank them for waking the people up to understand what exactly government does for us and why we need it.

The Fifth Column


“There are no winners here,” President Obama declared at the White House this morning. Then, with an elegant air of non-partisanship, Obama began to fashion the shutdown into a political weapon. Here’s how he’s going to deploy it.

1. Economic excuse. Obama noted that before the shutdown, the economy was recovering, and the deficit was falling. The fiscal standoff changed all that: “Every analyst out there believes it slowed our growth.” Obama rattled off the damage: families going without paychecks, home buyers and small businesses unable to get loans, consumers cutting back on spending, CEOs reporting that the fiscal anxiety had “set back their plans to hire over the next six months.” Even the “threat of default,” said the president, “increased our borrowing costs, which adds to our deficit.”

Today, this litany of laments looked like simple compassion from the president. But over the next year, it can…

View original post 764 more words

Checkmate America…..Democrats……And President Barack Hussein Obama.

I highly recommend listening to Obama’s speech following the end of the government shutdown caused by the Republican Party. Mr. J.B., The ObamaCrat, lays it out well in a comprehensive, factual and humorous way. But seriously, we are PISSED OFF at the treasonous and seditious behavior of the GOP and we will vote and tell everyone to do so in 2014 and beyond.

Welcome Back…..Now Lets Get To Work. Full Video & Transcript Of Morning Statement By Barack.

EXCELLENT SPEECH and the GOP have been called out on the carpet, front and center. POTUS has put them on display for the entire nation and world to see. Naked. There’s nothing there. The devastation they have brought on this nation was manufactured and totally unnecessary. These people are INSANE and have gone completely OVER THE EDGE and were more than willing to TAKE US WITH THEM. They have parachutes…we don’t. From this point on, Obama will no doubt expand on this message and point fingers directly at the source of our problems. Everyone needs to read/hear this. Many thanks to Mr. J.B. for his daily work at exposing the TRUTH. If you haven’t already, be sure to follow his blog. Everything you need to know about the Obama Presidency, politics and a smorgasbord of other interests to society are there.

Treason, Sedition, Political Terrorism and the Defense of Democracy’s High Ground

2nd from left: Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader; last is John Boehner, Speaker

Treason, Sedition, and the Defense of Democracy’s High Ground

I think Attorney General Eric Holder now has all the ammunition he needs to charge the Republican Party/GOP/Tea Party with treason, sedition, “economic destruction of government, direct economic harm and a form of violence against millions here and abroad, and procedural coup by blackmail…end Obamacare or they will destroy government. Now the Republican Right’s economic warfare – it’s blackmail, no getting around it – to shut down the government and to destroy its international credit worthiness, has directly surfaced inside the very heart of our democratic processes, our legislative mechanisms. This is a form of “leverage” that a democracy, however flawed, cannot allow.”


Rep. Eric Cantor Will Profit in Stock Market if U.S. Goes into Default


Republicans Aren’t Hostage Takers, They’re Political Terrorists

Today’s Republicans will never release the hostage—instead they’re intent on taking down Obama, and they don’t care if they go down with him, says Michael Tomasky as we head toward a shutdown.



By rigging the Shutdown, Republicans need to be charged with SEDITION! Please sign this petition to AG Holder and share.


Congress Did Something So Spectacularly Creepy That It’s Too Unbelievable To Make Up

Just before the shutdown happened, the GOP quietly passed a measure that said only House Majority Leader Eric Cantor can call for the shutdown to end (unless he gives a designee permission). Not even the most senior GOP congressperson, Speaker of the House John Boehner, is allowed to do it, without permission from his own guy.


GOP’s Backdoor Impeachment Scheme Exposed

Republicans have lost at the ballot box and the Supreme Court, so they’ve decided to nullify President Obama another way: keep his government from working, period.


Adding insult to injury…

The Confederate Flag Won’t Help Conservatives Win the Shutdown

Flying the Confederate Flag in front of the black President’s house is an abomination and direct threat to him and the will of the majority. They hate the President and blacks more than they love the country so much they are willing to destroy it.


Larry Klaman tells Obama ‘put the Quran down’ and ‘come out with his hands up’ at D.C. shutdown…

These are the same people who caused the shutdown and now  blaming it on Obama who has a mandate from Americans with 5 million votes that won him the Presidency. They refuse to accept a black man as President and will stop at nothing to get their way.



By rigging the Shutdown, Republicans need to be charged with SEDITION! Please sign this petition to AG Holder and share.



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