Tag Archives: fast and furious

What a year was 2012

Reblogged from THE OBAMACRAT
What a year!

Racism. Prejudice. Fear. Hatred.

Death and Destruction. Voter Suppression.
Natural Disasters. Handgun and Assault Carnage.
Lying Politicians. Jealousy. Envy. Incompetence.
Selfishness. Murder and Mayhem. War On Women.
War On LGBT Community. Homophobia. Islamophobia.
Homelessness. Bigotry. Fear.
War On Veterans. Cuts To Food Stamps (TANF).
Welfare. Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid.
Disability/Troop Benefits. Tax Cuts For Millionaires /Billionaires.
Corporations Are People. Tax Increases On Poor/Middle Class.
N.R.A. Idiocy. Fast and Furious Lies. Benghazi Fiasco.
Global Warming Denied. Missing Exploited Murdered Children.
Women’s Rights Denied. Americans Massacred.
Fiscal Cliff. Government Waste. Do NOTHING Congress.
Obstructionist TeaTardedRepubliCANTS.
Saints Disgraced. Birtherism.
Jerry Sandusky. RepubliCANT Primary Fiasco.
British Petroleum. X.L. Keystone Pipeline.
Fracking. Union Busting.
The Lyin UnFitt Mitt Romney Family. Romnesia.
Lyin Paul Ryan. Ted Nugent. Meatloaf. Grover Norquist.
Karl Rove. Conservative Talk Radio. Faux Spews (Fox News).
Wall Street. Wells Fargo. Bank Of America. Citi Corp.
Record Foreclosures. Occupy Wall Street
Susan G. Komen For The Cure. Abortion Clinics
Defunding Planned Parenthood. Legitimate Rape.
Attacking The First Family. Gas Prices. David Petraeus.
The 47% “MITTstake”. Bain Capital.
Clint Eastwood Speaks To An Empty Chair. Todd Akin.
Sandy Hook Elementary School. Sikh Temple,
Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Aurora, Colorado.
Clackamas Town Center, Oregon.
Cafe Racer Espresso in Seattle, WA.
Racist Rampage Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis, MN.
Oikos University, Korean College. Oakland, CA.
Chardon High School in Chardon, OH. Syria.
Jordan Davis. Troy Anthony Davis. George Zimmerman.
Micheal Dunn. Janepsy Carballo. Daniel Adkins Jr.
Jamonta Miles. Hernando Torres. Diego Ortiz.
Whitney Houston. Hurricane Sandy.
JP Morgan Chase & CEO Jamie Dimon.
High Gas Prices. Sheldon Adelson. Donald Trump.
Amanda Todd. Michael Clarke Duncan.
Elizabeth Collins. Lyric Cook-Morrissey. Junior Seau.
Lance Armstrong. Tavis Smiley. Cornell West.
To say that I am still reeling from this past year’s events is an understatement. Yet, with all the shocking, horrible, obstructionist, evil actions that hit our nation like a tidal wave, there was plenty of love, courage and a fighting spirit that saw us through this eventful year. Let us all promise to get involved and engaged in 2013 to prevent another 2012 from happening again…or at least keep the man-made events to a minimum.
There are some great clips at the link

