Tag Archives: safety

Children of Newtown CT…We will never forget you

Painful as this is, I want to look at each child’s face and try my best to remember their names. How many can remember action movie stars names who act in violent movies? Something is wrong with us too if we can remember these actors names over children who were massacred. And let us remember the young black men assassinated over the years throughout US history. They are somebody’s children too.

You Are Not Alone, Newtown CT

President Obama spoke in Newtown CT yesterday saying this was the most difficult time of his Presidency, referencing the massacre of 20 children (plus 7 adults) in that city. I think this time something will be done about gun control. Senator Feinstein said she will introduce a gun control bill first thing when Congress reconvenes.
Here are several related articles that give insight:
Time to profile white men?
As the article mentions, profiling anyone does not work as a security measure and is monsterish. Blacks and hispanics have been profiled relentlessly over the years, but never whites. The discussion of white males being the main perpetrators of these mass shootings needs to happen. It will shame and place focus on a group that has operated in a privileged manner above the law for far too long. It will change the dynamics in these homes that breed these monsters. This one thing will do much to stop racism in this country.
The 5 Deadliest Guns You Can Buy Online — Legally
Ex-babysitter says Newtown, Conn. school shooter Adam Lanza’s mother warned: Don’t turn your back
What mother risks the life of a babysitter, lives in fear of her child she cannot control and does not seek help? This is another cancer on this society that needs to be dealt with.



Cherish the Children

These images mean a lot to me as I recall reading stories to my children over 40 years ago. I lived in Los Angeles, CA at the time where gangs and gun violence was common. I recall coming home one day from work and SWAT had blocked off my street because a gunman was holed up in my next door neighbor’s home and they needed to get him out. That was 1973. I left Los Angeles in 1983 and have never looked back. But it seems there is nowhere safe in this country anymore.

Our children deserve a safe place to live. Young black men deserve a safe place to live. Citizens of America deserve a safe place to live.

Via The Obama Diary

First Lady Michelle Obama reads a Christmas story as her dog Bo sits on her lap and 5-year-old AJ Murray (L), and 5-year-old Jordyn Akyoko sit nearby at Children’s National Medical Center on December 14.
