Tag Archives: spirituality

10 Gandhi Quotes That Will Change Your Life

1) Be the change you wish to see in the world
2) What you think, you become
3) Where there is love, there is life
4) Learn as if you’ll live forever
5) Your health is your true wealth
6) Have a sense of humor
7) Your life is your message
8) Action expresses priorities
9) Our greatness is being able to remake ourselves
10) Find yourself in the service of others

From ZazenLife

The beauty of these profound truths lies in their innate simplicity. They are unambiguous as to their true meaning and speak directly to the soul, piercing the veil of seeming normalcy that permeates our lives. Truly every moment is divine and holds the potential for our self realization. These words of wisdom connect us to our true divine nature and higher selves, causing us to reflect on that which we may take for granted as simply another aspect of day to day lives.

If something is boring or mundane, that is only our perception. If you truly want a glimpse into the complexity of the universe, try to draw what you see and you will instantly realize the incredible intricacy of every-little-thing in existence. Even the most humble stone is incredibly complex when we really begin to ponder and examine its true nature. Gandhi, as do all great spiritual leaders, recognized this and was able to coherently translate into language that is accessible by all.

If you feel inspired by these words, write them down! Create reminders that you can post in places you visit everyday such as your bedroom, office, or car so that you are constantly reminded of your true spiritual nature. We must never forget that all originates from spirit first and is then manifest into physical reality. This perspective helps keep us from getting lost in the powerful illusion of the external world.


Native American Wisdom

Bull Tongue of Apsaroke (Crow) Tribe

From Soul Awakening…

Native American wisdom is deep, profound, simple and true. It has passed the test of time. The wisdom of their elders is very pertinent to the times in which we are living. Had the rest of the world lived according to their philosophy as ‘Earth Keepers’ we would not be facing the dreadful problems as a planet that now assails us in the ways of pollution, climate change and plundering of resources.

There are countless tribes each with their own language, sacred stories, customs and ceremonies.

However, they all share the wisdom of being aware of the Cosmic connection to not only each other but the very earth and skies, trees and rocks, animals and plants.


They teach “walk lightly upon the Earth and live in balance and harmony.”


Read the words of that great holy man, Black Elk:

“The first peace, which is the most important,
is that which comes within the souls of people
when they realize their relationship, their oneness,
with the universe and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the center of the universe
dwells the Great Spirit,
and that this center is really everywhere,
it is within each of us.”
~ Black Elk – Oglala Sioux ~


They are profoundly spiritual people who have suffered greatly. Their words echo deep in my bones. I hear truth, beauty, and meaning in the words from their holy men and elders.


“Out of the Indian approach to life
there comes a great freedom –
an intense and absorbing love for nature;
a respect for life;
enriching faith in a Supreme Power;
and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity,
and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations.”
~ Luther Standing Bear, Oglala ~


“From Wakan-Tanka, the Great Mystery,
comes all power.
It is from Wakan-Tanka that the holy man has wisdom
and the power to heal and make holy charms.
Man knows that all healing plants
are given by Wakan-Tanka;
therefore they are holy.
So too is the buffalo holy,
because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka.”
~ Flat-Iron (Maza Blaska) Oglala Sioux Chief ~


They lived and breathed their spirituality. And so do not forget.


It has become quite a ‘fashion’ to try to take on Native American teachings. We do this proud nation a disservice to try to emulate them in a shallow way. They know (and they always knew) their kindredship with the Earth. We have tried to box them in, silence their words and ‘educate’ them, lest they cause us to shrivel up in shame!

Those of us who recognize these things can only move forward in love. Ask forgiveness from our Native American brothers and sisters who have managed to retain ancient wisdom. Their God, Wankan Tanka is our God too. How can it be other?

We live in very turbulent days and we owe them such a debt of gratitude for their forbearance. Surely now the time has come when we can share and meet in mutual acceptance and thanksgiving that they have kept ancient ceremonies and respect for elders and ancestors alive. We can learn so much about honor from these people.



I believe their voice will now be heard by all nations.
It is the time for freedom from mental slavery
and return to our birthright as good people
reclaim our kindred ship to each other,
the kingdoms and give due respect
and walk in balance and harmony
with the entire natural world.


12.12.12 – The Time Has Come!

12.12.12 is here!

So many have questioned and feared the arrival of this day. Some think it’s the end of the world. I think it ‘s the end of the world as we know it, and that’s a good thing. Because of the planetary rotations and the electromagnetic fields that are changing, the energy has changed to open us up to unconditional LOVE, PEACE across the world and HAPPINESS / JOY as an outcome. The image shown here represents that unconditional love.

John Smallman…

Many have talked of the End Times approaching, but you are really approaching the Beginning Times as a new age of peace, harmony, and abundance for all humanity comes into view. The satisfaction and contentment that you will experience, as all that could frighten, worry, or cause you any kind of suffering just dissolves, leaving absolutely no trace to disturb your constant state of sublime peace, is definitely something to which you can look forward. A New Age, for which you have been yearning, is about to dawn.

As the short period remaining before you winds down, it would be good to address any issues that you may have been avoiding, or perhaps considered too insignificant to concern yourselves with. However, anything that would fall into the category of holding a grudge, a derogatory judgment of another, or something unforgiven, no matter how small or inconsequential it seems, does need to be released. If you can remember it, then it needs to be released. Everyone has things that have been totally forgotten that could have been released, but if they are truly forgotten they are as good as already released and forgiven. It is just the small niggling things, which are occasionally retained because they give a person a sense of satisfaction, of being right, that now need to be released to clear your energy fields – that person who queue-barged, pinched your parking-spot, made an unwarranted and unkind remark – small seemingly insignificant momentary occurrences that you still remember. Let them go.

In a sense, 12.12.12 is more important than 12.21.12, the day when these planetary changes are firmly established and we are all awake to the new vibrations. If you don’t feel lighter, more energetic and joyful right away, don’t worry about it…you will as the days unfold.

Today on 12.12.12, many around the world will be uniting in two global meditations to uplift humanity and bring about a positive shift as we enter a new age. Feel free to join with us for a relaxing, easy meditation at 9:30 pm EST.

The Master Shift

♥  ♥  ♥

Inspiration…Love and Compassion


Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive ~ Dalai Lama


Make no mistake…this is not about love and compassion for those who look like you and agree with you. It is about embracing ALL humanity, all life. When you master this, you are ready.