DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant


The human skin is the largest organ of the body. It is porous, so anything we put on the skin absorbs into the body and can either help it…or harm it. Years ago I worked with a woman who had cancerous lumps removed from under her armpits. Her doctor said it was from the chemicals in her deodorant. She was advised to never use deodorant again. At that time, we did not have organic deodorants. I have no idea what she used back in 1975. I am now using this homemade deodorant with tea tree oil for its healing properties and am pleased with it. Let me know if you try it. ~ Marion

Via The Prairie Homestead
Homemade Deodorant Recipe using Coconut Oil

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder
4 tablespoons cornstarch (this will add an antiperspirant effect to the deodorant.)
Essential oils (optional, but you can use tea tree oil, sweet orange, cinnamon, etc.)

Notes from the article:

This recipe uses coconut oil which will liquefy at 76 degrees (it will remain solid at any temp under 76 degrees). I live in Florida and this deodorant stays a paste-like consistency in my bathroom. However, my husband uses the bathroom upstairs and, at times, it turns into a thick liquid-y consistency. He doesn’t find it a problem, though. He just dabs his finger into it, massages it into his underarms, and then rinses his hands afterward.

I’ve heard of people putting their homemade deodorants in cleaned out store-bought deodorant containers but it didn’t work for me. My DIY deodorant leaked out the bottom of the container and was a gooey mess.
Instead, I store this coconut oil deodorant in a small glass jar and I keep it in my medicine cabinet.

To apply, I take a small amount and rub it together with my hands to soften and then rub it into my underarms like a lotion.

Me and my husband both use this deodorant and absolutely love it. We’d never switch back to store-bought. You really must give it a try.

This recipe was adapted from Homemade Natural Deodorant: Recipes that Work on Squidoo




NYC is turning 12,000 old parking meters into bike racks

Love this story! I wonder what I can retrofit around the home…

Via SmartPlanet
In 2011, New York City decommissioned its last single-space parking meter. Many of the parking meters were sold, but discontinuing the use of single-space parking meters meant that there were thousands of iron poles sticking out of the sidewalks. Now the city has a plan for them: bike parking.

The city’s department of transportation has signed a $2 million contract to turn 12,000 old parking meter poles into bike racks. But is it worth the money? You bet, the New York Post reports:

Although the $1.9 million contract might seem like a lot, officials say that using existing infrastructure saves money because they don’t have to rip out the poles.

And because they’re made out of sturdy old parking meters, they are more difficult to steal.

The city already has about 200 parking meters that have been retrofit as bike racks. But with this new plan, the city will more than double its current number of bike racks.
Photo: Flickr/nycstreets



“Dumb And Dumber”: Congress Is Awful Because Members Spend All Day Long Talking To Rich People

This is really worth reading and understanding how Congress is doing very little to help us.

Members of Congress don’t know anything about “the issues” and they spend all their time fundraising, according to both a new Huffington Post story and “an easy inference to make after observing Congress for almost any length of time.”

The HuffPo’s Ryan Grim and Sabrina Siddiqui obtained a PowerPoint presentation given to incoming Democratic freshmen legislators by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and the DCCC’s recommended schedule for House members includes four hours spent on the phone begging rich people for money and one hour spent begging rich person for money in person. This is the daily schedule.

As Kevin Drum notes, this leaves no time for studying or homework. Members rarely know much about anything, policy-wise. An unnamed member confirmed to HuffPo that these guys basically are exactly as ill-informed as you feared:

One member of Congress said that the fundraising takes up so much time that members…

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Lemons, Lemons, Lemons…


Most mornings I start with a glass of hot or warm water with the juice of a whole lemon. Because it’s too tart for me, I usually add a little Stevia to cut the tartness. I follow with breakfast within 30 minutes. This method is great for weight loss if that’s on your agenda. All the other benefits apply. Lemons are a win-win-win!



Feel better in 7 days!


It’s that time of year when we declare a fresh start and promise to do better in areas of health, personal development, career, family and more. After indulging during the holidays, many of us have gained a few pounds that we could not afford. Of course, the diet industry loves that and this is the time to promote their products and increase their bottom line.
Experts will tell us the best way to lose weight is eat better quality food, eat less and exercise. Simple. And guess what? We would actually SAVE money by doing this. Here’s a great 7-Day Plan I have used in the past with great success. You will feel better, lose weight, save money and you can do this twice per month. Ready?

Source: Better Nutrition
The 7-Day Plan is a healthy, nutritious quick start to motivate you. It works because it triggers your body to burn fat and uses herbs and water-rich foods that are natural diuretics. Complete instructions are at the link. If you suffer from any medical conditions, be sure to check with your doctor before starting this Plan.



Django – Tarantino Tells the South “F You”

If you read only one movie review of Django Unchained, this is it. Thom Hartmann is my first source for politics and “Renaissance Thinking About the Issues of Our Day.” He doesn’t disappoint here.

I plan to see Django tomorrow. I have not heard one negative review from my contacts. They all say, “you have to see it!”

